Carnivore Egg Drop Soup with Bone Broth Recipe | Keto | Paleo — The Keto Minimalist (2024)

I recently completed a 24-hour fast and wanted something not only easy to prepare and also easy to digest for my first meal.

This carnivore-friendly 3-ingredient egg drop soup recipe is perfect for breaking a fast, as part of a light meal, or quick snack on a carnivore, keto, or low-carb diet.

I've included seasoning and garnish options if you're not following a strict carnivore diet.

Best of all, this carnivore egg drop soup recipe takes just a few minutes to make and likely you have all the ingredients in your refrigerator, freezer, or pantry!


Carnivore Egg Drop Soup with Bone Broth Recipe | Keto | Paleo — The Keto Minimalist (1)

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Egg drop soup is a savory Chinese soup that is commonly found in Chinese restaurants around the world. The soup is named after the process of adding beaten eggs to the broth, which creates thin strands or "ribbons" of egg in the soup.

Most egg drop soups contain cornstarch, which is a no-no on a carnivore diet. I wanted to make a version that is totally carnivore-compliant meaning it only contains animal products and salt.

I've also included some modifications to the recipe to make a slightly more flavorful egg drop soup if you follow a keto or low-carb diet.

Both versions of the recipe are tasty, use minimal ingredients, and can be prepared in just 15 minutes.

RELATED: These crispy, carnivore chafflescom/blog/crispy-keto-chaffles-recipe-carnivore-1-carb-gluten-free pair well with carnivore egg drop soup!

Carnivore Egg Drop Soup with Bone Broth Recipe | Keto | Paleo — The Keto Minimalist (2)

Why is egg drop soup made with bone broth a good food to break a fast?

Egg drop soup made with bone broth is a good choice to break a fast for several reasons.

First, bone broth is rich in nutrients, such as collagen, amino acids, and minerals, which help nourish the body after a period of fasting. It's also very easy to digest, which can be beneficial for those who may have sensitive digestive systems after a long fast.

Second, egg drop soup is a low-carbohydrate and low-fat soup, making it easy on the digestive system. The eggs in the soup provide a good source of protein, which can help to rebuild muscle tissue that may have been broken down during the fasting period.

RELATED: CLICK HERE to see all carnivore posts and recipes, including my results on carnivore.

Ingredients used in Carnivore Egg Drop Soup

If you follow a strict carnivore diet, you can make a delicious egg drop soup with just three ingredients: chicken bone broth, eggs, and salt.

If you follow a ketogenic or low-carb diet, this soup uses a few additional ingredients to add flavor (coconut aminos, sesame oil, and black pepper) and green onions make a pretty and crunchy garnish for the soup.

Nutrition Information

Carnivore Egg Drop Soup contains less than 1 gram of carbohydrates.

Egg drop soup (without the keto modifications) is perfect for a strict carnivore diet. The recipe makes 4 servings.

Each serving contains:

  • 116 calories

  • 15 grams of protein

  • 0.4 grams of carbohydrates

  • 5 grams of fat

Keto Egg Drop Soup contains

With the additional ingredients (sesame oil, coconut aminos, black pepper, and green onion), this egg drop soup is keto-friendly and low-carb with less than one gram of carbohydrate per 1-cup serving.

Each serving contains:

  • 129 calories

  • 15 grams of protein

  • 0.8 grams of carbohydrates

  • 6 grams of fat

Keto Egg Drop Soup is gluten-free, dairy-free, grain-free, and paleo.

Carnivore Egg Drop Soup with Bone Broth Recipe | Keto | Paleo — The Keto Minimalist (4)

Nutrition information calculated with MyFitnessPal.

How do you store egg drop soup?

Leftover egg drop soup may be stored in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to three days. To reheat the soup, simply warm it up in a pot on the stove over low heat, stirring occasionally until heated through. Be careful not to overheat the soup or it may become too thick or curdled.

If you want to freeze egg drop soup, it's best to do so before adding the eggs. To freeze the soup, let it cool to room temperature, then transfer it to a freezer-safe container or bag and label it with the date. When you're ready to eat the soup, thaw it in the refrigerator overnight, then reheat it on the stove over low heat. Once the soup is heated through, you can slowly pour in beaten eggs while stirring gently to create the signature egg ribbons.

I freeze extra chicken bone broth (and all leftover soups) in Souper Cubes. They are silicone freezing trays that allow you to freeze soups (or other foods) in perfect portions. They are a game changer and I first saw them on Shark Tank!

Carnivore Egg Drop Soup with Bone Broth Recipe

keto egg drop soup recipe, carnivore egg drop soup recipe, easy egg drop soup



Yield: 4

Author: The Keto Minimalist

Carnivore Egg Drop Soup with Bone Broth Recipe | Keto | Paleo — The Keto Minimalist (5)

3-Ingredient Carnivore Egg Drop Soup Recipe | Keto | Paleo

Prep time: 5 MinCook time: 10 MinTotal time: 15 Min

This carnivore-friendly egg drop soup recipe is perfect for breaking a fast, as part of a light meal, or quick and nutritious snack on a carnivore, keto, or low-carb diet.


Ingredients (Strict Carnivore)

Optional Ingredients for Keto/Low-Carb


Instructions for Carnivore Egg Drop Soup

  1. Heat the bone broth and salt in a saucepan over medium-high heat until it comes to a boil.
  2. In a small bowl or Pyrex 2-cup measuring cup, whisk the eggs with a fork.
  3. Reduce heat to medium-low. Slowly pour the egg mixture into the saucepan while stirring the broth in one direction with a spoon or ladle, until the eggs are cooked and form ribbons, about 2-3 minutes.
  4. Serve hot.

Instructions for Keto Egg Drop Soup

  1. Heat the bone broth in a saucepan over medium-high heat until it comes to a boil.
  2. Stir in coconut aminos, sesame oil, turmeric, salt, and pepper. Reduce heat to medium-low.
  3. In a small bowl or Pyrex 2-cup measuring cup, whisk the eggs with a fork.
  4. Slowly pour the egg mixture into the saucepan while stirring the broth in one direction with a spoon or ladle, until the eggs are cooked and form ribbons, about 2-3 minutes.
  5. Divide the soup among four bowls and top with sliced green onions.

Nutrition Facts




15 g


5 g


0.4 g

Net carbs

0.4 g

Nutritional information is for one-fourth of the carnivore recipe and is calculated by MyFitnessPal.

The keto version (with additional ingredients) has 129 calories, 15 grams of protein, 0.8 grams of carbohydrates, and 6 grams of fat.

Carnivore Egg Drop Soup with Bone Broth Recipe | Keto | Paleo — The Keto Minimalist (2024)


How much bone broth per day on keto? ›

How much bone broth should you drink a day on keto? Most people should be able to drink 2-3 cups of bone broth per day without the risk of being kicked out of ketosis. Make sure the bone broth you are drinking has zero carbs.

Does bone broth take you out of ketosis? ›

Bone broth is low in calories, high in fat, and virtually carb-less, making it an extremely keto-friendly food. High-quality bone broth is also rich in bioavailable nutrients, so consuming it can reduce the risk of malnourishment that can come from avoiding or limiting certain foods.

Is egg drop soup good for weight loss? ›

Is egg drop soup healthy for weight loss? Yes, egg drop soup can be beneficial for weight loss. It's low in calories and carbs, high in protein, and can be very filling, making it a good diet-friendly option.

How many carbs are in bone broth? ›

As you can see, bone broth fits easily into that ratio, accounting for 2 grams of carbs and 6 grams of protein. Now, let's take a look at the many ways bone broth can support your keto diet plan.

Will I lose weight if I drink bone broth everyday? ›

Bone broth can be a part of a healthy weight loss regime. It is loaded with protein—about 10 grams per serving—that can help you feel full for longer. This extra protein can also assist in building lean muscle mass, which in turn enables your body to burn more calories throughout the day.

Should I drink bone broth in the morning or at night? ›

All you need is access to a mug, a spoon, and some hot water. The best time to drink bone broth is in the morning, however bone broth nutrients can help settle, soothe and ease digestion all throughout the day.

What happens if you only drink bone broth for a week? ›

Drinking only bone broth can help you lose weight because it deprives you of calories. However, it could be harmful to the body, so be cautious and ensure that you receive the complete range of nutrients you require to be healthy. A combination of diet and exercise may help you lose weight.

Can toothpaste kick you out of ketosis? ›

The diet is also very restrictive that even the sugar in mouthwash and toothpaste can throw your body out of ketosis and affect your results. The bottom line is, health experts advise talking with your doctor if you want to give the ketogenic diet a try.

Will bone broth break a keto fast? ›

Bone broth contains 40 - 50 calories per cup; therefore, it will break your fast. However, just because bone broth breaks a fast doesn't mean it's a bad inclusion during intermittent fasting. Taking bone broth during intermittent fasting can help you enter a metabolic state known as ketosis.

Can I eat egg drop soup everyday? ›

Yes. It's very low calorie and packed with protein. One bowl of soup (about 1 cup) is only 71 calories.

Is it good to eat egg drop soup everyday? ›

Egg drop soup is quite healthy. Egg drop soup calories and carbohydrates are low, which makes the dish good for people watching their weight. While the chicken broth and eggs are nutritious, this soup has the drawback of being high in sodium. However, you can reduce the saltiness by making the dish at home.

Is egg drop soup full of carbs? ›

Chinese Restaurant Egg Drop Soup (1 cup) contains 10.3g total carbs, 9.4g net carbs, 1.5g fat, 2.8g protein, and 65 calories.

What is the downside of bone broth? ›

"Depending on how it's made or what's in it, (bone broth) could have large amounts of sodium. That's the only downside," says Zumpano. Some types of bone broth can pack up to 500 milligrams of sodium per cup, which can add up quickly.

What does Mayo Clinic say about bone broth? ›

Bone broth is a good choice to include in your diet along with all the other foods that fight inflammation. Organic chicken or beef bone broths (or make your own) have many beneficial nutrients that will help improve bones and joints, along with all the other benefits.

Is 2 cups of bone broth a day too much? ›

Not only does it help build and repair muscle tissue, but it's also been shown to support satiety and reduce levels of ghrelin, the hormone responsible for stimulating feelings of hunger. Typically, around two to four cups per day is recommended to support weight loss and boost muscle building.

Is 2 cups of bone broth too much? ›

Thankfully, the collagen and amino acids in bone broth are incredibly beneficial for joint aches and pains. While everyone is different, we've seen customers rave about joint pain disappearing with regular bone broth consumption. To see benefits for joints and cartilage, we suggest drinking 2-4 cups of broth per day.

How many cups of bone broth a day to lose weight? ›

There's really no such thing as too much bone broth, but you can tailor your bone broth consumption for your specific health goals. For muscle gain and weight loss drink 2-6 cups daily. For gut health, try at least 2 cups of bone broth each day. For skin conditions and/or joint health, drink 2-4 cups per day.

Can you drink bone broth on a keto fast? ›

It has virtually zero carbs and few calories, so you can indulge in bone broth even while you are on the ketogenic diet or fasting. Bone broth is packed with collagen. Collagen helps reduce cellulite, improve skin health, and increase lean muscle mass. Bone broth helps detoxify your body.


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