Rangiku's New Position - Smut_In_The_Sun (2024)

Chapter Text

Rangiku’s New Position

Chapter Two

Two week later…

The night was young and beautiful, the stars and moon lit up the Soul Society as celebrations were in order. The bar stuffed between Squads 7 and 11 was mostly quiet save for the group of women crowded around in the corner. “Cheers!” Rukia held up a glass. “To Rangiku’s new position!”

The other members of the SWA raised their glasses in unison, toasting the former lieutenant of Squad Ten. “Thanks, everybody!” Rangiku smiled, downing her drink and then pouring herself another glass. “And Captain Hitsugaya said I’d never get the Head-Captain’s approval…” She chuckled, a bright red flush to her face.

“Still though,” Isane spoke, putting down her barely touched drink. “To think that the Head-Captain would create a position and then promote you to it as his personal secretary. You must’ve impressed him, Rangiku. I’ve never even heard of him making a new rank in centuries.”

“What can I say? My charms never fail!” She laughed very haughty.

“So tell us, what exactly does being the Head-Captain’s secretary entail?” asked a very curious Captain Unohana. Unlike the others, she looked at Rangiku with a more questioning gaze and placed a hand on her shoulder. In all her years she’d never seen Yamamoto do this for anyone. But then again, it’d been a long time since she’d seen Yamamoto this lively…

Rangiku merely shrugged her shoulders. “Not that I didn’t earn it. He rides my ass something fierce!” She put down her glass again and smirked. “Still, he’s more fun than you’d expect him to be.”

The motherly captain raised an eyebrow. “I see…”

Momo, one of the girls who wasn’t that drunk, turned to speak to Rangiku. “Hey, Rangiku? What was that package that you got earlier?” The day before she’d seen the strawberry blonde holding a box under her arms while on her way to visit Toshiro.

“My new work uniform,” Rangiku said with a cheeky smirk.

“Oh? Can we see?”

“Not a chance. I haven’t gotten the Head-Captain’s approval yet.”

“You have a new uniform you haven’t even run past him?” Rukia blinked in confusion.

“Oh just wait. It’ll knock his socks off!”

Isane poured Rangiku another cup. “Sorry we couldn’t celebrate your promotion sooner. We’ve all been busy.”

“It’s fine. The Head-Captain has been working me nonstop. In and out, in and out...” Rangiku sighed, the girls being none the wiser to her face growing slightly redder.

The ladies continued to drink and celebrate until the barkeep announced it was closing time. “Well girls, I’d better get ready for tomorrow.”

Every single woman looked at the strawberry blonde with stunned expressions. “Wait, you’re calling it a night?” Rukia looked at Rangiku like she’d been replaced with a clone. “But you always spend the night moving from bar to bar!”

Isane leaned forward, carefully examining Rangiku. “Uh...Isane? What are you doing?”

“Checking for any signs of head trauma. After that, I’ll look for alcohol poisoning.”

Rangiku started to huff. “C’mon, girls! You’re the ones acting crazy. I gotta get up early or the Head-Captain’s gonna let me have it hard!”

“But isn’t that what you want?” Unohana quietly murmured before taking a shot.


“I didn’t say anything, Ms. Matsumoto.”

“Well anyway,” Rangiku got up and pushed in her chair. “I’d better get my new uniform ready for tomorrow. I’ll see you girls later. Thanks for the drinks!”

The SWA watched the former lieutenant walk away, all of them dumbstruck by her bizarre behavior. Still, they did note that the woman was drunk enough that she almost fell over a chair. “You think she’s okay?”

“Rangiku Matsumoto is heading home after only a few hours of drinking at one bar and is sober enough to still walk.” Nemu shook her head in disbelief. “This is the most illogical thing I’ve seen to date.”

“I’ll say. She must be really eager to get to work tomorrow,” said Rukia.

“Oh, I’m sure we don’t even know the half of it,” added Unohana as she finished the bottle, thinking back to when she and Yamamoto were younger…

The Next Day…

As Yamamoto put the finishing signature on his letter to Chojiro, he handed it off to a messenger and nodded for him to go. The man seemed to be recovering fairly well, but he would still require a few more days of rest. Meaning he wouldn’t be able to lock himself away for 10+ hours a day without causing eyebrows to rise.

While the old man’s mind wandered, he heard the door to his office open and close as his “personal secretary” walked in. Surprisingly, she had arrived ten minutes early. It seemed that his “discipline” was making her a better worker. As she walked before his desk, Yamamoto was about to assign her a task when the humiliation lover opened her loose shihakusho and let her outfit fall off her body to reveal what was underneath.

Yamamoto sat back in his chair while appreciating Rangiku’s new “outfit”. The woman had taken the liberty of donning a reverse playboy bunny outfit. She wore an open black jacket with a white collar that buttoned just above her massive breasts, leaving her chest completely bare, save for two pink heart-shaped pasties that covered her nipples. She walked on high heels with tight stockings clinging to her legs but wore no pants or panties, her c*nt covered by another pastie. To cap off the outfit she wore pink bunny ears and white gloves.

“And just what is that?” The old man looked her up and down like a piece of meat.

“This is my uniform.” Rangiku leaned forwards, her unrestrained tit* hanging in the air. “I’m no longer a lieutenant, so I don’t have my badge, but I’m not just an ordinary Soul Reaper either. I figured I needed to have a distinct dress to show off that I am yours… well, you're assistant that is.” She winked at the millenia old man.

Even despite his cold unflinching face, Rangiku kept her cool and stood up against her Captain. This had become a game of chicken, and she wouldn’t back off first.

In a flash, the bearded man grabbed at the chain necklace still around Rangiku’s neck and pulled her in, pressing her chest against his desk and paperwork as his expert tongue explored her mouth.

Moaning into the kiss, Rangiku pushed herself up on one arm as the other wound around Yamamoto’s neck and tried her best to kiss him back. Despite the massive gap in experience, the “lessons” she had taken for the past two weeks helped the alcoholic learn what made this monster of a man tick.

As he pulled back, Rangiku was left a panting mess, while he was none the worse.

“You have alcohol on your breath and it isn’t even seven o’clock.” He grabbed her hair by the roots and pulled her face up to look at his.

“Yup, it’s Sake, you’re favorite, right?” She stuck her tongue out at him.

“An officer should not drink before starting their duties.” He remarked.

“But you made sure that I wasn’t one.” She winked at him. “And besides, it was just a single cup right before I walked in.”

“... I suppose not.” Surprisingly, he actually found her snark enjoyable. “But I must wash out your mouth with something. As I don’t have soap, this will make do.” The chair scraped against the floor as Yamamoto stood up and opened his pants to reveal his rock hard shaft to the slu*t laying on his desk.

Rangiku’s face lit up as she had a brilliant smile on her face. “I accept my punishment, now come ‘ere!” As the bunny girl leaned forwards, Yama put a hand on her shoulder and pushed her back.

“I didn’t say what would wash out your mouth.” He said as Rangiku found herself flipped onto her back, her head leaning off of his desk and her hair falling down.

“Man, he really loves it when I’m upside-down.” The strawberry blonde thought as she licked her lips. Opening her mouth and reaching out her tongue, Rangiku was ready to suck and lick every inch of that glorious co*ck before her to climax… hopefully in less than eight hours this time.

Which only made her confused when his hands went to press her breasts together and he started to f*ck her boobs. As his log was having fun with her tit*, the two big and heavy balls slapped her in the face. Rangiku’s sense of smell was overwhelmed by the old man’s musk. Realizing what he wanted her to do, the woman brought her hands up to squeeze her tit* together while she began to lick his heavy balls.

Working on his body, Rangiku was going to go on the heavy offensive right from the start, nothing else would even phase this powerful man. Lapping up his balls, the personal f*cktoy sucked both of those thick balls into her mouth to assault it with pleasure from all sides as she held her breasts together with one arm and used the other to palm his co*ckhead and jerk off the length that didn’t fit in her massive valley between her melons.

Rangiku moaned in ecstasy as her body was used for the old man’s pleasure. Her moans reverberated into the thick sac in her mouth, her tongue switching from one ball to the other as she enjoyed the meaty taste. Her puss* grew wet, staining the pastie covering it. Already she longed to be her Head-Captain’s co*cksleeve. She pressed her tit* tighter, desperate to feel his seed stain her lewd body.

As the two spent a long time in this position, the rising sun was now lazily floating in the sky. It was nearly noon and the two that were lost in lust and pleasure were starting to finally reach the ends of their respective ropes.

Thrusting himself in and out of Rangiku’s tit*, Yamamoto’s sac was pulled out of the whor*’s pleasurable mouth and slapped her face over and over, covered in her own spit. His climax was approaching and he knew just where to blow his load.

Pulling back, the old man removed his dick from her warm and soft tit* and pressed his lower head to his personal cumdump’s mouth and pushed himself down her throat. His shaft pulsing and twitching as his spunk shot down her throat.

Feeling the man’s burning hot seed pour down her throat and fill her stomach was a sensation that pushed Rangiku over the edge herself. Her body was already hot from being used by the old man and this was the cherry on top. Spreading her legs wide, Rangiku lewdly fingered herself through the pastie while her puss* started to squirt. Yamamoto watched as the slu*tty woman shook while moaning in pleasure.

Taking a breath to cool himself down, Yamamoto pulled himself back and let his spit and spunk covered member press against Rangiku’s upside-down face, still as hard as an iron bar.

“That uniform is a complete and utter disgrace for someone who honors the Thirteen Court Guard Squads.” Yamamoto began. “However, you stated yourself that I removed you from that post.”

Seeing the woman still hazy eyed and worshiping his co*ck, Yamamoto scoffed. “I accept your… peculiar submission to change your uniform. You’re to wear it every work day from now on, is that understood?”

“Yes, sir,” Rangiku happily nodded from her upside down perspective. She sat up and felt the world spin from her co*ck drunk and head rushed state. Grabbing her old uniform off the floor, she used it to wipe off the drool and cum from her lips and cheeks.

Acting as if everything was a natural day in the office, the strawberry blonde went over to her desk in her whorish attire and got back to work.


Knocking on the grand doors to the office of the Head-Captain, Unohana waited with a file in hand as she could hear feet on the other side walking over to her.

“A-ah, Captain UnoHa~na,” Rangiku spoke strangely. “W-what brings you he-ere?”

“I was asked to bring some papers over to Captain Yamamoto.” The kind doctor said as her eyes scanned the woman before her. Despite the odd verbal tics, there was nothing visually off. Her cheeks weren’t red and there wasn’t any sweat on her brow, but the experienced Soul Reaper could tell that something wasn’t right.

And the reason for that was that on the other side of the door, Rangiku was getting plowed like a bitch in heat by the Head-Captain. The woman stood with one leg raised, her body shaking as Yamamoto’s powerful co*ck plunged in and out of her c*nt, her juices dripping down her leg. The grizzled man’s rough hands played with Rangiku’s breasts, toying with her nipples through her pasties as she tried her best to keep herself from falling to pieces.

“Th~Ah Captain is cur~Ehntly out.” Her voice seemed at odds with her body, a more high stress tone coming from her laid back appearance.

“... I see.” Unohana nodded. “Well please give him my these when he returns.” Passing her hand through the door and feeling a shaking grip take it from her despite the image before her being completely cooled and collected.

With a devilish smile, the healer spoke once more. “By the way, is the Head-Captain still, what is it that you said: ‘riding your ass something fierce’? If he does, then I do hope he gives you a bit of a break.” As she closed the door and walked away, a glimpse of her former self came back to the surface. “You’re going to need it when he f*cks you so hard you can’t even lay down for a month afterwards...” She murmured to herself as she imagined what excuse Rangiku would come up with for her limp at the next SWA meeting.

As the door shut, Rangiku let out a massive cry of relief as that pressurized situation seemed to be taken care of. “f*ck~.”

But she spoke too soon as the powerful man f*cking her c*nt raw seemed to grow more intense. “So, I ride your ass, do I?” he growled into Rangiku’s ear before he pushed her up against the door and smacked her ass with his rough hand. “Let me show you what a real pain in the ass I can be!”

For a moment, Rangiku was left confused when Yamamoto pulled out of her puss*. Then she felt that large manhood suddenly push into her backdoor. “OH f*ck!” she howled as her asshole was claimed by the old man. Her nails clawed at the door’s massive frame as her asshole took inch after inch of manmeat inside of her, splitting her apart farther than anyone had before. Her face twisted with pain as her ass felt like a log was being shoved up it.

Yamamoto let go of Rangiku’s leg and grabbed a hold of Rangiku’s strawberry blonde hair and yanked hard. The secretary yelped when the Head-Captain yanked her away from the door and forced her to walk back towards his desk, his co*ck slamming in and out of her tight asshole all the while as she was forced to walk on her tiptoes.

Treating her hair like a leash, the old man pulled and lined up Rangiku with each step that she could barely make. As her hair was being pulled back, it pushed her chest forwards and left her breasts jutting forwards as they quaked and shook with each step and thrust.

Even when they finally reached his desk after what ages of sex, he still wasn’t even halfway inside. While Rangiku was leaning her top against the desk and held the edge with a white-knuckled grip, her Captain still had a hard grip on her hair to keep her back arched.

“So tell me, how do you like this pain in your ass?” Yamamoto taunted.

“I love it!” Rangiku slurred lewdly. “My ass! My ass is on fire! Keep f*cking my ass!”

As tears had flooded down her cheeks for so long, Rangiku couldn’t tell how long this mammoth co*ck was slamming into her ass, but with her tongue hanging out and her eyes covered by a haze, it was clear that she had grown crazy about anal sex as well. Like usual, she hadn’t been able to keep track of just how many times she ended up cumming, but Yama still had gone the entire time without a single climax, and she was sure that she’d be working overtime until he shot his load inside her asshole.


Once again, like clockwork, the oldest man in all of the Soul Society was at work on his desk as the sun began to rise. And like usual, his secretary would lag behind as she entered the office. But this time as he looked up to the woman, he saw that she had gotten a bit of a makeover.

Her long flowing orange lockes were now heavily trimmed down into a bob. The beautiful hair that cascaded down her back was now cut, framing only her beautiful face.

“I never gave you permission to cut your hair.” The old man stared blank faced at the slu*t before him.

“I know you didn’t.” She smirked at her boss as she shrugged off her shihakusho to reveal her true uniform.

“So I’m going to have to punish you.” Yamamoto put his brush down and walked over to his personal whor*. “But this time it won’t be normal. Your impudence calls for something special.”

“I’m shaking in my boots.” She stood besides her desk and waited for him to throw her on the floor and ravish her body.

But when he grabbed her hand and headed for the door, she felt confused. “Um, sir, what’re you doing, we’ve never done it outside the office.”

The next words he said made her blood turn cold. “I’m taking a day off.”

And as Rangiku’s eyes widened from the Head-Captain saying those words after nearly three thousand years of non-stop service without ever taking any breaks, only one sentence came to her mind. “Dear god, I’ve f*cked myself.”


Sweat dripped down Rangiku’s back. A tug of the leash tied to her neck pulled her forward as she struggled to keep up with Yamamoto on her hands and knees. Her entire body trembled at the thought of someone spotting them. The humiliation was plain on her face. And yet she still couldn’t help but enjoy it all the same.

Yamamoto had decided to up the ante on Rangiku’s punishment by taking herher for a walk. However, he forbade his secretary from putting on her public uniform and had her strip out of her black jacket, leaving her only in her leggings, bunny ears and pasties. He’d attached a collar to the impudent woman’s throat and put a leash on it, forcing her onto her hands and knees before taking her outside like he was parading her around.

Seeing the shadows start to shrink as the sun was beginning to rise, Rangiku’s breath was getting quicker and her body hotter. Besides the terror that was flooding her mind, a trail of wetness was seeping past her crotch pasty and down her legs. As the possibility of people grew with the oncoming morning, so did her shameful excitement. But she couldn’t accept just going around aimlessly to reveal her sordid truth to everyone. “W-where are we going?”

Her captain just looked down at her from the corner of his eye as they kept a strong pace and forced the bitch to keep up. “I’m taking you to my home.”

The first thought to cross her mind was confusion. “He has a house?” While she had never properly thought about it, given how she spent most of her time with him and how he was always at the office, she just assumed that he lived there, or at least an adjacent room.

They continued to walk, or in Rangiku’s case crawl, down the wooden walkway. Yamamoto remained perfectly calm as if he was just taking a normal stroll through the park. Rangiku, on the other hand, was in a constant state of mortification. The sun was coming up and people would be leaving the barracks to perform their duties. Which meant that the odds of Rangiku being exposed was insanely high.

As she grew more and more on edge, twitching and looking at every tiny noise that was anywhere nearby she began to shake more and more until she was an anxious mess. And it all came to a head when she noticed people come out from the side a few hundred feet away.

“Head-Captain.” She whispered in terror, before her eyes widened as the group was getting bigger. Her heart filled with fear at the prospect of being caught in such a provocative state. She started to tremble as the group grew closer and closer. She wanted to turn around and run away but Yamamoto’s tight hold of the leash kept her at bay. “H-Head-Captain!” she insisted, her eyes starting to fill up with tears as her impending shame drew closer.

Yamamoto was silent. He ignored Rangiku’s quiet pleas for mercy and continued to walk closer towards the oncoming group of men as if he didn’t care he was walking with a nearly -naked woman on her knees with a leash in hand.

“Head-Captain!” Rangiku hissed, her eyes begging for mercy. Yamamoto merely tugged at the leash to pull her forward. “Yamamoto, don’t!”

But the old man was deaf to Rangiku’s pleas. He stopped right in the middle of the intersection as the group of men neared them. Her heart pounding with terror, Rangiku squeezed her eyes shut and started to cry, knowing that she would never, ever live down this disgrace...

“I thought the path was supposed to be forward, but there’s just a wall.” A squared headed one complained.

“This place is always a maze. I think if we just go right and take the second left we’ll be fine.” The long haired one said as they all walked on the right path.

“Huh?” Rangiku blinked, her entire body shaking when she saw the men walk away. “What...what was that?”

“Do you think I would be caught with a harlot in such a compromising position?” Yamamoto asked with his back to her. “Unlike you, I still wish to preserve my dignity. Still,” he turned his head to look at the shaking woman. “Listening to you quake in fear and pleading for mercy is something I could get used to.” His eyes went lower. “And it seems it was something that you enjoyed too from the puddle you’ve made.”

“You jerk-Hrghh!” Rangiku was silenced when Yamamoto suddenly yanked on the leash, dragged away by the Head-Captain on the cold hard ground.

“Silence! A bitch must not bite their master’s hand. And you have proven yourself to love being my bitch.”

Their walk continued for a few more minutes as Rangiku felt fear and pleasure battling it out in her heart as they were just inches away from soldiers performing their morning reconnaissance on more than one occasion.

But now, after almost an hour of being forced to walk through the cold stone floors of the Soul Society, they had finally arrived at the house of the leader of Squad One. And it… was not really what Rangiku was expecting.

There was no grand archway or bridge into a giant estate like the Kuchki’s, and it wasn’t something bombastic like the Shiba’s. It was a house that was disconnected from the maze-like walls of the place. Slightly taller than the rest of the already tall walls, but it didn’t have any real distinguishing features other than a few windows and a door.

The inside was similarly spartan, no personal affects or decorations of any sort, she could have thought it was abandoned had there not been a single speck of dust anywhere inside.

As they walked beyond the door, the old man bent down to unleash the woman. “We’ve made it back to the house, only natural to let the bitch go free.” He placed both her coat and the leash on a hook besides the door as Rangiku unsteadily stood back up.

“Ow, my knees are all sore.” The woman leaned against a wall and rubbed them. “Jeez Captain, did you really have to be so rough in my punishment~?” Just like always, she tried to bounce back from the humiliation she so joyously endured.

“Hm? When did I say that our walk to my home was your punishment?”

Her jaw had dropped and her brow furrowed. “B-But you said-”

“I said that I would have to punish you, and that I was taking you to my home.” He interrupted her. “Your punishment is going to take place here after all.”

Walking over to the whorish woman, Yamamoto seemed to tower over Rangiku as she was curling into herself with a look of excited terror on her face as her mind went a mile a minute thinking about what he might do to her. And as his strong, calloused hand went to her doughy ass and took a heavy handful.

She was melting in his grasp, even just a simple touch had her pressing her body against his to keep her balance, but as she looked up to him with her blushing face, her bunny ears placed within the shortened hair that was framing her divine expression.

Seeing the evidence of her disobedience made him snort as he decided to get started on their punishment. As one of his hands spread her ass cheeks apart, the other glowed as a hexagonal pole appeared, not wasting any time, the Kido Master pressed that burning hot rod right up against her asshole. Giving Yamamoto a frontrow seat to Rangiku’s shocked expression as she was being speared by his construct. Her teeth clenching, her voice wonderful struggling to come out, uneven breaths pressing her breasts against his chest, the pleasure forming on her face as her eyes grew hazy.

“We’re going upstairs.” As the Captain forced his personal slu*t to stand on her own, using a simple Sai to bind her arms behind her back so she couldn’t use her hands to help. As he firmly kept his tool up her asshole, he pushed her up to her toes as they walked forwards. Moans and juices slipping from the once Lieutenant as each individual step made the stick up her butt shift and press against her insides. And when they got to the stairs, that only made it worse.

Drool started dribbling down her chin only two steps up. She took another step and could feel her body ache with pleasure. “Mmmmmhhh…” she moaned lewdly. It felt as if with every step she took up the stairs, the stick seemed to expand in her ass and shift, each step causing it to go deeper and touch another sensitive spot. By the time she was halfway up the stars her legs were wobbling and she threatened to collapse. But a harsh smack to her ass by the old man forced her to keep going.

Step after step, Rangiku felt her mind slip away. The rod felt like it shifted with even the tiniest of movements. “Ahhhh…” Her breasts jiggled in time with her plump ass. All she could think about was the toy. She saw the top of the stairs and her heart began to beat faster in anticipation. What would he do to her once she reached the top?

But such thoughts were purged when she finally reached the top. Her legs finally failed her and she tumbled forward, landing on the second floor with her ass sticking up in the air. The sudden movement caused the rod to shift even deeper, pushing her over the edge. Her voice was nothing but a shrill cry of ecstasy as she came lewdly all over the stairs. “Ahhh! Ahhhhhhhhh!” Her eyes rolled backwards while she squirted, the rod wiggling from her muscles tightening around it.

The Head-Captain looked down at Rangiku with his usual scornful gaze. Leaning over the bound slu*t, he grabbed her by her short hair and dragged her down the hallway into his bedroom. Rangiku yelped every step of the way as his fingers dug into her scalp but her tone showed how much she loved the pain and humiliation he was putting her through.

Grabbing her by her arms, Yamamoto picked her up off the floor and unceremoniously pulled her onto the bed. He showed the smallest of courtesy as he let Rangiku catch her breath, her heaving chest shaking her breasts that were now covered in drool and some of her cum that pooled on the floor. The woman didn’t seem to notice that her arms were freed as she put the back of her hand over her head.

It was only a fleeting showing of kindness as when Rangiku was finally starting to collect herself, she felt his burning hot co*ck pressing against her stomach, the mammoth sized member on her core almost reached her breasts as it laid there on her body. “Head...Head-Captain…” she panted. She grew anxious when she saw the look in the ancient Soul Reaper’s eyes. “What...what are you going to do to me?”

“You’ve only been able to get me off once or twice before you pass out and leave me still stiff,” Yamamoto growled. “So your punishment...is to get me soft.”

Rangiku’s eyes widened with shock. It took forever just to get the old man to cum. And even then he was always still ready to go. To make him go flacid… “I…”

“Silence,” Yamamoto ordered as he reared his hips back. “I did not give you permission to speak. You are to take your punishment. You can thank me when I finally am finished.”


As the orange sky was turning black from the curtain of night, Rangiku found herself being pounded from behind without mercy. Her hands bracing herself against the wall as her master’s dick f*cked her c*nt. Craning her head back as she let out another powerful moan from yet another climax, her pink bunny ears falling off of her head while her hair was sticking to her face from how much sweat she was caked in.

Her screams were echoing inside of the room, and they likely could have been heard by everyone in the Soul Society had the oldest Soul Reaper not put up sound barriers, making sure to keep her beautiful cries of ecstasy all to himself.

Despite going for the entire time the sun was out, the woman had came over a dozen times, while her boss had only done so once. The sheets and their legs were drenched with her juices, even her pink stockings had been absolutely soaked through by this point.

With his hands reaching around her chest to toy with her pastie covered nipples, Rangiku let out another moan as she knew that she was in for a hard time.


Another day had gone by and still Rangiku was in co*ck hell. Yamamoto had her pressed against the wall, slamming in and out of her rapidly. Rangiku clung to him for dear life, a neverending mess of moans spilling out of her mouth while her puss* was claimed by the huge co*ck reshaping her insides.

Rangiku had hoped that after a while the old man would finally lose steam or give her a few minutes of rest. But Yamamoto proved he was bound and determined to f*ck Rangiku into oblivion. He revealed he had a large stash of Squad Four’s stamina nutrient balls that he kept whenever he needed to do late night paperwork. Meaning that she’d last for as long as he wanted her to, leaving Rangiku to suffer the wrath of his massive co*ck.

“Ahhhh! Nghhhhh!” Rangiku’s face twisted with pleasure as her special spots were slammed into again and again and again. Her nails dug into his shoulders though the Head-Captain didn’t care. Her pasties had been peeled off, her nipples rubbing against his scarred chest.

The constant slamming in and out of Yamamoto’s co*ck brought Rangiku to climax. She’d lost count of how many times she’d org*smed at this point. But Yamamoto was undeterred, his hips not slowing down even as Rangiku’s tight honeypot clamped down on his manhood.

So lost in her own world was Rangiku that she’d barely noticed the old man grunting into her ear. A warm wetness erupted in her loins, signaling that the man had came inside of her. Yet again he continued to thrust in and out, his climax having no effect on his mighty stamina.

“Ahhhh! Ah! Oh! Ahhhh!” cried out Rangiku, who knew that this punishment might last a lifetime…


“There’s nothing to be concerned about.” Unohana told her fellow Captains as they were all at the scheduled meeting, all but their leader, Genryusai Yamamoto. “Head-Captain Yamamoto is healthy and safe.”

“The old man’s never once missed a day of work, let alone a Captain’s Meeting, might we know what exactly he’s doing?” Shunsui asked as he scratched his chin inquisitively. He’d been a captain for centuries and for his mentor to skip out on a meeting was so unheard of it was almost ominous.

“I am unable to disclose that information, but I can tell you that I expect him to be finished with his… activity in roughly four more days.” Unohana recalled back to her rebellious youth. “I’m sure we can manage a few more days of his absence.”

“But where is Rangiku in all of this?” The prodigy spoke out. “It was her task to help Head-Captain Yamamoto with his affairs and work, so shouldn’t she be doing something right now?”


“FUUUUUUUCK~!!!!!!!!” The once Soul Reaper cried out as her upper back was pressed against the cold wooden floor while her wide, stocking covered hips were being held by Yamamoto as he stood over her and pounded her into the floor.

Her breasts were falling down into her own face, not that she cared as her own silvery love juices cascaded down her body. As she toyed with her own tit*, her hands helped spread and coat her body.

This punishment was an elysium all of its own. Sending her mind into an abyss of pleasure and joy that couldn’t be stopped. Each thrust and caress made her nerves light up, everything outside of this room left her mind as her thoughts were made of only the elation and euphoria that rocked her world for days now.

While Rangiku’s mind was being overwhelmed with bliss, Yamamoto kept his pace going as he felt his next load coming. He was honestly quite impressed by how long and how well the strawberry blonde was able to keep herself together, even if she did require a bit of assistance from time to time, having drained him of nearly half of his stamina pill reserves already. But she was ready and eager to see this punishment through to the end, not having told him a single time that she wanted to stop. Even now, the slu*t was screaming for more as he continued to f*ck her stupid for god knows how long by this point.

She was just as insatiable as he was, the only difference was that he had the bite to back up his bark.


With Rangiku’s legs pressed up against the sides of her chest, her arms were wrapped around Yamamoto’s head as they made out while his co*ck was still pistoning inside of her puss*. Their tongues explored the other’s mouth while Yamamoto’s hands were toying with her nipples.

At the start of all of this, Rangiku thought that these flings with her boss would be fun and unforgettable, but something that they would move passed and stop after the excitement started to die down.

But as this man f*cked her for almost one week straight, she realized the error she had. That there was absolutely no way that this relationship could ever get boring.

Even Yamamoto was at fault, he assumed the woman beneath him who was giving him pleasure like he rarely experienced was just a pitiful whor*, a girl who would quit and leave after he showed her what he could really do to her. But she took everything he gave her with a smile and came back asking for more.

And as Rangiku felt the co*ck inside of her twitch and pulse, she made a choice.

“f*ck ME!~” She screamed to the high heavens. “KNOCK ME UP!!! SHOW ME THAT I’M YOURS!!! GET ME PREGNANT AND LET EVERYONE KNOW I’M YOUR BITCH!!!” Her legs locked around his hips as his co*ckhead pressed against her womb.

His face was stone like always, even as he let out a sigh and he blasted his load deep inside of her, he kept his composure. When Rangiku came as well from feeling her body become flooded with heat, she pulled his head between the valley of her breasts.

Not stopping his thrusts still, he found Rangiku’s grip to slacken after a few more minutes and her moans grew lower too. Pulling back, he found that the whor* was unconscious, having a look of sheer pleasure on her face.

“Dumb brat.” He mumbled. “I came unprotected over a dozen times, what makes you think you’re not pregnant by now?” But even as he dismissively spoke and pulled out his half mast member, he ran his hand against her cheek and brushed her hair out of her face.


The orange haired baby girl was sleeping soundly in her crib while her parents were in their room across the hall making her another sibling. “Even as a mother, your lewdness knows no bounds!” the naked Yamamoto grunted as he f*cked Rangiku missionary-style. He pushed one of Rangiku’s huge milk-filled tit* up and started to suck on it, drinking her breast milk.

Rangiku’s legs locked around Yamamoto’s waist. Her hair was long again, perfect for her master to pull on whenever he wished. After her pregnancy, her already massive tit* and ass kept their growth, leaving her with even bigger curves than before. “Yes!” she panted, holding the old man tightly. “I can’t stop craving your co*ck! It’s all I want!”

The secretary’s pregnancy had taken everyone by surprise. While she didn’t say who the father was, it didn’t take long for most of the captains and lieutenants to figure out who the little girl’s father was. Shuhei was still clueless. Nobody had the heart to tell him the truth.

The Head-Captain drank his fill of Rangiku’s milk before taking his mouth away. Gripping her hips, he rolled over and let Rangiku lay on top of him. Smiling, the strawberry blonde mother sat up and put her hands on his chiseled stomach to steady herself before she began to bounce wildly, spearing her puss* on her master’s co*ck. Her smile grew wide when Yamamoto’s hands grabbed her soft buns and squeezed. “Oh master…” she slurred with a happy smile.

Though officially Rangiku was still Yamamoto’s secretary, both had dropped the pretense and embraced what this really was: a master and his sex slave. And it was a role that Rangiku cherished. And although Yamamoto would never deign to call Rangiku his wife or even partner, he did cherish the memory of the heartfelt smile on her face when he put her in a white dress and f*cked her as hard he could, just like he did when this first began.

Yamamoto grunted as he gripped Rangiku’s arms and thrust up into her tight snatch. “I only hope...that our children are not as lewd as their mother…”

Rangiku said nothing, merely moaning uncontrollably as the pleasure threatened to overwhelm her again. She put a hand to her mouth to cover her voice but Yamamoto grabbed her wrist and squeezed hard, a clear sign she was not to hide her moans. “But...we’ll wake the baby!” she panted in between moans.

“That would be your own fault as a mother,” Yamamoto chided.

Deciding that it was no use, Rangiku threw her head back and let the moans fly out of her mouth. “Ahhh! Master! I’m cumming! Ohhh fuuuuck! I’m cumming!” She squeezed Yamamoto’s co*ck hard with her womanly muscles while drenching his lap with her juices. After over a year of being the Head-Captain’s bitch, she was hardly surprised when he suddenly sat up and got up off the bed onto his feet, lifting her up into the air. She knew that Yamamoto would afford her no rest, even as the mother of his child.

Now f*cking her standing up, Yamamoto crashed his lips against hers in a bruising kiss. Rangiku melted into his arms, her nipples dripping milk as they pressed into his hard chest. Once again her legs wrapped around his waist, refusing to let him pull out. “Cum inside me!” Rangiku begged as they parted for air. “Please, Master! Give me your baby again!”

“So now you’re desperate for my seed? Fine then,” Yamamoto pushed her against the door to their room, thrusting his hips back and forth as Rangiku was feeling that toe curling pleasure coming forth. “Then have your fill, slu*t!”

A soundless scream came out of Rangiku as the Head-Captain exploded inside of her. She leaned back and let her body go limp as her womb was filled to the brim with Yamamoto’s spunk, their juices leaking out of her plugged c*nt. “Yamamoto…” Rangiku slurred. She closed her eyes as he leaned in for another kiss, dipping her tongue into his mouth for a sloppy French kiss.

“Even after all this time, I still can’t believe what an insatiable whor* you are.”

Rangiku giggled like a schoolgirl. “Yes, but I’m your whor*.”

“Yes, you are.”

Resting her head against his chest, Rangiku felt at ease as they laid back down in bed together, enjoying the other’s presence and warmth, feeling a sense of peace and love as she heard the stone man’s heartbeat.

This certainly wasn’t a life that Rangiku had ever expected to live, but it was one she was happy to have.

The End

Rangiku's New Position - Smut_In_The_Sun (2024)


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Name: Annamae Dooley

Birthday: 2001-07-26

Address: 9687 Tambra Meadow, Bradleyhaven, TN 53219

Phone: +9316045904039

Job: Future Coordinator

Hobby: Archery, Couponing, Poi, Kite flying, Knitting, Rappelling, Baseball

Introduction: My name is Annamae Dooley, I am a witty, quaint, lovely, clever, rich, sparkling, powerful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.